Matching Words
2349 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - An uxorious, effeminate, or spiritless man.
- noun - a field where grass or alfalfa are grown to be made into hay
- Field
- - Of or pertaining to meadows; resembling, or consisting of, meadow.
- - The process of picking out the oakum from the seams of a vessel which is to be recalked.
- adjective - composed of or covered with particles resembling meal in texture or consistency; "granular sugar"; "the photographs were grainy and indistinct"; "it left a mealy residue"
- containing meal or made of meal
- Wan or pallid.
- noun - a bend or curve, as in a stream or river
- an aimless amble on a winding course
- to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course; "the river winds through the hills"; "the path meanders through the vineyards"; "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"
- wander
- unknown - 1.
offensive, selfish, or unaccommodating; nasty; malicious: a mean remark;
He gets mean when he doesn't get his way.
small-minded or ignoble:
mean motives.
- noun - a person of mean disposition
- United States labor leader who was the first president of the AFL-CIO (1894-1980)