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55 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - in 1214 the French under Philip Augustus defeated a coalition formed against him in one of the greatest battles of the middle ages
  1. noun - giving birth to a calf
  1. noun - a sculpture created by removing material (as wood or ivory or stone) in order to create a desired shape
  2. creating figures or designs in three dimensions
  3. removing parts from hard material to create a desired pattern or shape
  1. verb - call together; "The students were convened in the auditorium"
  2. meet formally; "The council convened last week"
  1. noun - the member of a group whose duty it is to convene meetings
  1. verb - call together; "The students were convened in the auditorium"
  2. meet formally; "The council convened last week"
  1. unknown - A person whose job it is to call people together for meetings of a committee
  1. noun - a community of people in a religious order (especially nuns) living together
  2. a religious residence especially for nuns
  1. verb - make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; "He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product"
  1. unknown - As a coward