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124 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - That division of the Mollusca which includes the bivalve shells, like the clams and oysters; -- so called because they have no evident head. Formerly the group included the Tunicata, Brachiopoda, and sometimes the Bryozoa. See Mollusca.
  1. - A fabulous people reported by ancient writers to have no heads.
  1. noun - absence of the head (as in the development of some monsters)
  1. noun - the stage of meiosis or mitosis when chromosomes move toward opposite ends of the nuclear spindle
  1. noun - A part of the Eucharist
  2. repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses
  3. using a pronoun or similar word instead of repeating a word used earlier
  1. noun - a word (such as a pronoun) used to avoid repetition; the referent of an anaphor is determined by its antecedent
  1. - A moss or mosslike plant which cellular stems, having usually an upward growth and distinct leaves.
  1. - The small hollow curvature given to the top or bottom of the shaft of a column where it expands to meet the edge of the fillet; -- called also the scape.
  1. - A bedfellow.
  1. - One of the smaller vital units of a cell, the bearer of vitality and heredity. See Pangen, in Supplement.