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78 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Punishment.
  1. - The act of cutting off.
  1. - Act of returning; return.
  1. noun - a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny; "he lost his faith but not his morality"
  2. an institution to express belief in a divine power; "he was raised in the Baptist religion"; "a member of his own faith contradicted him"
  1. noun - something that has been written again; "the rewrite was much better"
  2. the act of revising or altering (involving reconsideration and modification); "it would require a drastic revision of his opinion"
  3. the act of rewriting something
  1. - Any species of lamellicorn beetles belonging to Rutila and allied genera, as the spotted grapevine beetle (Pelidnota punctata).
  1. noun - an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government
  1. adjective - a resident of Sicily
  2. of or relating to or characteristic of Sicily or the people of Sicily; "the Sicilian Mafia"
  1. noun - an adherent of the teachings of Socinus; a Christian who rejects the divinity of Christ and the Trinity and original sin; influenced the development of Unitarian theology
  1. - The act of putting to sleep, or the state of being put to sleep; sleep.