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2536 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - raise from a barbaric to a civilized state; "The wild child found wandering in the forest was gradually civilized"
  2. teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment; "Cultivate your musical taste"; "Train your tastebuds"; "She is well schooled in poetry"
  1. noun - someone who claims a benefit or right or title; "claimants of unemployment compensation"; "he was a claimant to the throne"
  1. verb -
  2. ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example; "
  3. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs;
  1. noun - terrestrial orchids of North and South America having slender fibrous roots; allied to genus Pogonia
  1. noun - a courtyard with covered walks (as in religious institutions)
  2. residence that is a place of religious seclusion (such as a monastery)
  3. seclude from the world in or as if in a cloister; "She cloistered herself in the office"
  4. surround with a cloister, as of a garden
  5. surround with a cloister; "cloister the garden"
  6. The Cloisters, also known as the Met Cloisters, is a museum in Fort Tryon Park in Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York City, specializing in European medieval art and architecture, with a focus on the Romanesque and Gothic periods.
  1. - A joint or coadjutant bishop.
  1. noun - evergreen tropical trees and shrubs with thick and colorful leathery leaves; Malaya and Pacific islands
  1. noun - a supplement to a will; a testamentary instrument intended to alter an already executed will
  1. adjective - enacted by a legislative body; "statute law"; "codified written laws"
  2. organize into a code or system, such as a body of law; "Hammurabi codified the laws"
  1. - One who codifies.