Matching Words
2536 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - envelop with social, intellectual, or moral darkness; "The benighted peoples of this area"
- make darker and difficult to perceive by sight
- overtake with darkness or night
- adverb - in a benign manner; "this drug is benignly soporific"
- adjective - a native or inhabitant of Benin
- of or relating to or characteristic of Benin or its people; "Benin bronzes"
- noun - Blessing
- a spoken blessing
- noun - avitaminosis caused by lack of thiamine (vitamin B1)
- verb - cause to feel distressed or worried; "She was besieged by so many problems that she got discouraged"
- harass, as with questions or requests; "The press photographers besieged the movie star"
- surround so as to force to give up; "The Turks besieged Vienna"
- surrounded by hostile forces; "the besieged town"
- noun - an enemy who lays siege to your position
- an energetic petitioner
- verb - cause to feel distressed or worried; "She was besieged by so many problems that she got discouraged"
- harass, as with questions or requests; "The press photographers besieged the movie star"
- surround so as to force to give up; "The Turks besieged Vienna"
- verb - become of; happen to; "He promised that no harm would befall her"; "What has become of my children?"