Matching Words
2536 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - In an available manner; profitably; advantageously; efficaciously.
- verb - be of use to, be useful to; "It will avail them to dispose of their booty"
- take or use; "She helped herself to some of the office supplies"
- use to one's advantage; "He availed himself of the available resources"
- verb - declare invalid; "The contract was annulled"; "void a plea"
- prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening; "Let's avoid a confrontation"; "head off a confrontation"; "avert a strike"
- refrain from certain foods or beverages; "I keep off drugs"; "During Ramadan, Muslims avoid tobacco during the day"
- refrain from doing something; "She refrains from calling her therapist too often"; "He should avoid publishing his wife's memories"
- stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something; "Her former friends now avoid her"
- verb - look forward to the probable occurrence of; "We were expecting a visit from our relatives"; "She is looking to a promotion"; "he is waiting to be drafted"
- To wait for someone to come or something to happen
- adjective - covered with an awning; "with awninged windows on the west side"
- noun - a colorless explosive liquid that is volatile and poisonous and foul-smelling
- noun - extension upward of the toes when the sole of the foot is stroked firmly on the outer side from the heel to the front; normal in infants under the age of two years but a sign of brain or spinal cord injury in older persons
- noun - Indonesian wild pig with enormous curved canine teeth
- adjective - formed like a bacillus
- relating to or produced by or containing bacilli
- noun - Bacillus - aerobic rod-shaped spore-producing bacterium; often occurring in chainlike formations; found primarily in soil