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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown - Green Pigment
  1. - A greenish, oily, nitrogenous hydrocarbon, C12H19N7, obtained from coal tar, and probably consisting of a mixture of several metameric compounds which are higher derivatives of the base pyridine.
  1. - A greenish chloritic mineral common in certain igneous rocks, as diabase, as a result of alternation.
  1. noun - green color or pigment; resembling the color of growing grass
  1. verb - produce virilism in or cause to assume masculine characteristics, as through a hormonal imbalance or hormone therapy; "the drugs masculinized the teenage girl"
  1. noun - the development of male secondary sexual characteristics in a female (or prematurely in a young boy)
  1. noun - the masculine property of being capable of copulation and procreation
  2. the trait of being manly; having the characteristics of an adult male
  1. verb - produce virilism in or cause to assume masculine characteristics, as through a hormonal imbalance or hormone therapy; "the drugs masculinized the teenage girl"
  1. noun - a member of the western group of Goths who sacked Rome and created a kingdom in present-day Spain and southern France
  1. - Of or pertaining to a vision.