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2536 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - burrowing diurnal meerkat of southern Africa; often kept as a pet
  1. noun - a republic in northeastern South America on the Atlantic; achieved independence from the Netherlands in 1975
  1. - Pertaining to, or resembling, a swain; rustic; ignorant.
  1. verb - spray or irrigate (a body part) with a syringe
  1. noun - a medical instrument used to inject or withdraw fluids
  2. a primitive wind instrument consisting of several parallel pipes bound together
  3. Mythological Greek Nymph pursued by Pan
  4. spray or irrigate (a body part) with a syringe
  5. the vocal organ of a bird
  1. - A glucoside found in the bark of the lilac (Syringa) and extracted as a white crystalline substance; -- formerly called also lilacin.
T'ai Chi
  1. noun - a Chinese system of slow meditative physical exercise designed for relaxation and balance and health
  1. adjective - habitually reserved and uncommunicative
  1. adjective - a native or inhabitant of Tahiti
  2. of or relating to or characteristic of the island of Tahiti or its residents or their language and culture
  3. the Oceanic language spoken on Tahiti
  1. noun - a Penutian language spoken by the Takelma