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2536 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a worker who strips the stems from moistened tobacco leaves and binds the leaves together into books
  1. - An ancient military engine for casting stones and arrows by means of a spring.
  1. noun - a cow about to give birth
  2. a large spaniel with wavy silky coat usually black or liver and white
  3. the lowest stone in an arch -- from which it springs
  1. - A springe.
  1. noun - a light shower that falls in some locations and not others nearby
  2. cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force; "She splashed the water around her"
  3. distribute loosely; "He scattered gun powder under the wagon"
  4. rain gently; "It has only sprinkled, but the roads are slick"
  5. scatter with liquid; wet lightly; "Sprinkle the lawn"
  6. the act of sprinkling or splashing water; "baptized with a sprinkling of holy water"; "a sparge of warm water over the malt"
  1. verb - run very fast, usually for a short distance
  1. noun - someone who runs a short distance at top speed
  1. - See Sprightful, Sprightfully, Sprightliness, Sprightly, etc.
  1. verb - cover (a location) wholly or partially by squirting a liquid onto it; "Spritz the lawn with water"
  2. eject (a liquid) quickly; "spritz water on a surface"
  1. noun - a mixed drink made of wine mixed with a sparkling water