Matching Words
2536 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Having the quality of hiding.
- - A place for hiding or preserving articles of value.
- - To tie up so as to hinder from.
- verb - (used of texts) shortened by condensing or rewriting; "an abridged version"
- Abridge is a village in Essex, England. It is on the River Roding, 16 miles (26 km) southwest of the county town of Chelmsford.
- lessen, diminish, or curtail; "the new law might abridge our freedom of expression"
- reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"
- noun - one who shortens or abridges or condenses a written work
- verb - Abridge is a village in Essex, England. It is on the River Roding, 16 miles (26 km) southwest of the county town of Chelmsford.
- lessen, diminish, or curtail; "the new law might abridge our freedom of expression"
- reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"
- noun - aromatic herb of temperate Eurasia and North Africa having a bitter taste used in making the liqueur absinthe
- strong green liqueur flavored with wormwood and anise
- noun - strong green liqueur flavored with wormwood and anise
- noun - an unfortunate mishap; especially one causing damage or injury
- anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause; "winning the lottery was a happy accident"; "the pregnancy was a stroke of bad luck"; "it was due to an accident or fortuity"