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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown - Expression of surprise
  1. unknown - 1. an expression of surprise, fear, or alarm
  1. noun - a songlike cry in which the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal voice and falsetto
  2. sing by changing register; sing by yodeling; "The Austrians were yodeling in the mountains"
  1. verb - become joined or linked together
  2. link with or as with a yoke; "yoke the oxen together"
  3. put a yoke on or join with a yoke; "Yoke the draft horses together"
  1. noun - a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture
  2. Rustic person
  1. noun - a connection (like a clamp or vise) between two things so they move together
  2. a pair of draft animals joined by a yoke; "pulled by a yoke of oxen"
  3. an oppressive power; "under the yoke of a tyrant"; "they threw off the yoke of domination"
  4. become joined or linked together
  5. fabric comprising a fitted part at the top of a garment
  6. link with or as with a yoke; "yoke the oxen together"
  7. put a yoke on or join with a yoke; "Yoke the draft horses together"
  8. stable gear that joins two draft animals at the neck so they can work together as a team
  9. support consisting of a wooden frame across the shoulders that enables a person to carry buckets hanging from each end
  10. two items of the same kind
  1. noun - time long past
  1. noun - battle in World War I (1914); heavy but indecisive fighting as the Allies and the Germans both tried to break through the lines of the others
  2. battle in World War I (1915); Germans wanted to try chlorine (a toxic yellow gas) as a weapon and succeeded in taking considerable territory from the Allied salient
  3. battle in World War I (1917); an Allied offensive which eventually failed because tanks bogged down in the waterlogged soil of Flanders; Germans introduced mustard gas which interfered with the Allied artillery
  1. noun - a sweet white French wine
  1. unknown - Zen meditation