Matching Words
1866 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - a motorbike that can be pedaled or driven by a low-powered gasoline engine
- be apathetic, gloomy, or dazed
- move around slowly and aimlessly
- unknown - Listless or dispirited person
- noun - an informal expression for a mildly depressed state; "in the dumps"; "have the mopes"
- be apathetic, gloomy, or dazed
- move around slowly and aimlessly
- Pine
- someone who wastes time
- noun - any of various edible mushrooms of the genus Morchella having a brownish spongelike cap
- noun - (sociology) the conventions that embody the fundamental values of a group
- noun - (Old Testament) the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites from Egypt across the Red sea on a journey known as the Exodus; Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai
- United States painter of colorful and primitive rural scenes (1860-1961)
- - Filled with motes, or fine floating dust; as, the air.