Matching Words
1991 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A more or less viscid, yellowish liquid, the bitter oleoresin of several species of Copaifera, a genus of trees growing in South America and the West Indies. It is stimulant and diuretic, and was formerly much used in affections of the mucous membranes. It is also used in varnishes and lacquers, and in cleaning oil paintings. -- called also balsam of copaiba, copaiba balsam, balsam capivi, and Jesuits' resin.
- noun - East Indian cereal grass whose seed yield a somewhat bitter flour, a staple in the Orient
- noun - a small rounded boat made of hides stretched over a wicker frame; still used in some parts of Great Britain
- noun - East Indian cereal grass whose seed yield a somewhat bitter flour, a staple in the Orient
- - Having coral; covered with coral.
- - A sprightly but somewhat stately dance, now out of fashion.
- noun - pods of the cowage plant or the stinging hairs covering them; used as a vermifuge when mixed with e.g. honey
- the annual woody vine of Asia having long clusters of purplish flowers and densely hairy pods; cultivated in southern United States for green manure and grazing
- noun - a person who shows fear or timidity
- English dramatist and actor and composer noted for his witty and sophisticated comedies (1899-1973)
- - Capable of being created.