Matching Words
1991 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a camper equipped with living quarters
- a procession (of wagons or mules or camels) traveling together in single file; "we were part of a caravan of almost a thousand camels"; "they joined the wagon train for safety"
- travel in a caravan
- - A name given to several kinds of vessels. (a) The caravel of the 16th century was a small vessel with broad bows, high, narrow poop, four masts, and lateen sails. Columbus commanded three caravels on his great voyage. (b) A Portuguese vessel of 100 or 150 tons burden. (c) A small fishing boat used on the French coast. (d) A Turkish man-of-war.
- noun - a bottle with a stopper; for serving wine or water
- noun - a Eurasian plant with small white flowers yielding caraway seed
- leaves used sparingly in soups and stews
- noun - melon having yellowish rind and whitish flesh
- noun - any of several plants of the genus Manihot having fleshy roots yielding a nutritious starch
- - A native of Cathay or China; a foreigner; -- formerly a term of reproach.
- adjective - a native or inhabitant of Catalonia
- relating to or characteristic of the Catalan language; "Catalan poetry"
- relating to or denoting or characteristic of Catalonia or its inhabitants; "Catalan independence movement"
- the Romance language spoken in Catalonia in eastern Spain (related to Spanish and Occitan)
- noun - a book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things; "he found it in the Sears catalog"
- a complete list of things; usually arranged systematically; "it does not pretend to be a catalog of his achievements"
- make a catalogue, compile a catalogue; "She spends her weekends cataloguing"
- make an itemized list or catalog of; classify; "He is cataloguing his photographic negatives"