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1991 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - large genus of tropical American vines having showy often spotted umbellate flowers; sometimes placed in family Liliaceae especially subfamily Alstroemeriaceae
  1. noun - a popular island resort in the Netherlands Antilles
  1. noun - a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money); "the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line"
  2. an especially rich vein of precious ore
  1. - Capable of being bored.
  1. noun - an ore of boron consisting of hydrated sodium borate; used as a flux or cleansing agent
  1. adjective - of or relating to or derived from or containing boron; "boric acid"
  1. noun - an herb whose leaves are used to flavor sauces and punches; young leaves can be eaten in salads or cooked
  2. hairy blue-flowered European annual herb long used in herbal medicine and eaten raw as salad greens or cooked like spinach
  1. - See Barometz.
  1. adjective - mixed or impregnated with borax
  1. noun - a salt or ester of boric acid