Matching Words
1991 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A two-wheeled carriage formerly much used in Cuba. The body is in front of the axle; the driver rides on the horse.
- noun - one of the first artificial language constructed for use as an auxiliary international language; based largely on English but with some German and French and Latin roots
- verb - travel on water propelled by wind or by other means; "The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow"
- noun - a traveler to a distant land (especially one who travels by sea)
- noun - a journey to some distant place
- an act of traveling by water
- travel on water propelled by wind or by other means; "The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow"
- unknown - Shallow enough to wade through.
- - A follower of Abdel Wahab (b. 1691; d. 1787), a reformer of Islam. His doctrines prevail particularly among the Bedouins, and the sect, though checked in its influence, extends to most parts of Arabia, and also into India.
- noun - a member of a North American people formerly living in the Colorado river valley in Arizona
- the Yuman language spoken by the Walapai