Matching Words
1991 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - the first of the Old Testament patriarchs and the father of Isaac; according to Genesis, God promised to give Abraham's family (the Hebrews) the land of Canaan (the Promised Land); God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son; "Judaism, Christianity, and Islam each has a special claim on Abraham"
- - A mystical word used as a charm and engraved on gems among the ancients; also, a gem stone thus engraved.
- unknown - Third son of Biblical David
- noun - a power unit equal to the power dissipated when 1 abampere flows across a potential difference of 1 abvolt (one ten-thousandth of a milliwatt)
- adjective - a member of one of four linguistic divisions of the prehistoric Greeks
- of or relating to Achaea or its ancient Greek people
- the ancient Greek inhabitants of Achaea
- noun - a member of one of four linguistic divisions of the prehistoric Greeks
- unknown - A loyal friend (derivation: Aenid)