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Matching Words

2250 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - the federal agency in the Department of Housing and Urban Development that insures residential mortgages
  1. noun - a trivial lie; "he told a fib about eating his spinach"; "how can I stop my child from telling stories?"
  2. tell a relatively insignificant lie; "Fibbing is not acceptable, even if you don't call it lying"
  1. - A square bar of wood or iron, used to support the topmast, being passed through a hole or mortise at its heel, and resting on the trestle trees.
  1. - An exclamation denoting contempt or dislike. See Fy.
  1. noun - a diagram or picture illustrating textual material; "the area covered can be seen from Figure 2"
  2. a Libyan terrorist group organized in 1995 and aligned with al-Qaeda; seeks to radicalize the Libyan government; attempted to assassinate Qaddafi
  3. fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried
  4. Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit
  1. - imp. of Fall, v. i. Fell.
  1. noun -
  2. a shoe for swimming; the paddle-like front is an aid in swimming (especially underwater)
  3. a stabilizer on a ship that resembles the fin of a fish
  4. equip (a car) with fins
  5. one of a pair of decorations projecting above the rear fenders of an automobile
  6. one of a set of parallel slats in a door or window to admit air and reject rain
  7. organ of locomotion and balance in fishes and some other aquatic animals
  8. propel oneself through the water in a finning motion
  9. show the fins above the water while swimming; "The sharks were finning near the surface"
  1. noun - any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies; chiefly of upland areas
  2. nonresinous wood of a fir tree
  1. adjective -
  2. (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed; "in no fit state to continue"; "fit to drop"; "laughing fit to burst"; "she was fit to scream"; "primed for a fight"; "we are set to go at any time"
  3. a display of bad temper; "he had a fit"; "she threw a tantrum"; "he made a scene"
  4. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason); "a burst of applause"; "a fit of housecleaning"
  5. a sudden uncontrollable attack; "a paroxysm of giggling"; "a fit of coughing"; "convulsions of laughter"
  6. be agreeable or acceptable to; "This suits my needs"
  7. be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This piece won't fit into the puzzle"
  8. conform to some shape or size; "How does this shirt fit?"
  9. insert or adjust several objects or people; "Can you fit the toy into the box?"; "This man can't fit himself into our work environment"
  10. make correspond or harmonize; "Match my sweater" <
  1. noun - a determination of the place where something is; "he got a good fix on the target"
  2. an exemption granted after influence (e.g., money) is brought to bear; "collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers"
  3. cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man"
  4. decide upon or fix definitely; "fix the variables"; "specify the parameters"
  5. influence an event or its outcome by illegal means; "fix a race"
  6. informal terms for a difficult situation; "he got into a terrible fix"; "he made a muddle of his marriage"
  7. kill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic study
  8. make fixed, stable or stationary; "let's fix the picture to the frame"
  9. make infertile; "in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized"
  10. make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc; "Get the children