Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

2250 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a knockout declared by the referee who judges one boxer unable to continue
  1. noun - a soft grey malleable metallic element that resembles tin but discolors on exposure to air; it is highly toxic and is used in rodent and insect poisons; occurs in zinc blende and some iron ores
  1. noun - considerate and solicitous care; "young children need lots of TLC"
  1. noun - a soft silvery metallic element of the rare earth group; isotope 170 emits X-rays and is used in small portable X-ray machines; it occurs in monazite and apatite and xenotime
  1. noun - the widely studied plant virus that causes tobacco mosaic; it was the first virus discovered (1892)
  1. noun - a state in east central United States
  1. noun - a proinflammatory cytokine that is produced by white blood cells (monocytes and macrophages); has an antineoplastic effect but causes inflammation (as in rheumatoid arthritis)
  1. noun - explosive consisting of a yellow crystalline compound that is a flammable toxic derivative of toluene
  1. - The preposition to primarily indicates approach and arrival, motion made in the direction of a place or thing and attaining it, access; and also, motion or tendency without arrival; movement toward; -- opposed to from.
  1. - An obsolete intensive prefix used in the formation of compound verbs; as in to-beat, to-break, to-hew, to-rend, to-tear. See these words in the Vocabulary. See the Note on All to, or All-to, under All, adv.