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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - To put, or be put, in a state of rapture.
  1. adjective - Ecstatic
  2. feeling great rapture or delight
  1. noun - Danish ethnologist and Arctic explorer; led expeditions into the Arctic to find support for his theory that Eskimos and North American Indians originally migrated from Asia (1879-1933)
Raw Umber
  1. noun - greenish brown pigment
  1. verb - return to a former condition; "The jilted lover soon rallied and found new friends"; "The stock market rallied"
  2. spring back; spring away from an impact; "The rubber ball bounced"; "These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide"
  1. - In a recluse or solitary manner.
  1. - A state of retirement from the world; seclusion.
  1. adjective - providing privacy or seclusion; "the cloistered academic world of books"; "sat close together in the sequestered pergola"; "sitting under the reclusive calm of a shade tree"; "a secluded romantic spot"
  2. withdrawn from society; seeking solitude; "lived an unsocial reclusive life"
  1. - The habitation of a recluse; a hermitage.
  1. verb - count again; "We had to recount all the votes after an accusation of fraud was made"
  2. narrate or give a detailed account of; "Tell what happened"; "The father told a story to his child"