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1045 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything
  2. either of two types of cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and sometimes including platelets
  1. - Having the power of contracting into wrinkles.
  1. verb - fold into ridges; "corrugate iron"
  1. - Drawing together; contracting; -- said of the corrugator.
  1. verb - alter from the original
  2. containing errors or alterations; "a corrupt text"; "spoke a corrupted version of the language"
  3. corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality; "debauch the young people with wine and women"; "Socrates was accused of corrupting young men"; "Do school counselors subvert young children?"; "corrupt the morals"
  4. make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence; "This judge can be bought"
  5. place under suspicion or cast doubt upon; "sully someone's reputation"
  6. ruined in character or quality
  1. - One who corrupts; one who vitiates or taints; as, a corrupter of morals.
  1. adverb - in a corrupt manner
  1. noun - someone who designs or supplies costumes (as for a play or masquerade)
  1. noun - someone who designs or supplies costumes (as for a play or masquerade)
  1. verb - dress in a costume; "We dressed up for Halloween as pumpkins"
  2. furnish with costumes; as for a film or play