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157 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - A person employed by an agent to transact the whole, or a part, of the business intrusted to the latter.
  1. verb - droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness
  2. sway heavily or unsteadily
  3. walk as if unable to control one's movements; "The drunken man staggered into the room"
  1. verb - strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat; "He slugged me so hard that I passed out"
  2. to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught; "The men gulped down their beers"
  1. verb - alternate dramatically between high and low values; "his mood swings"; "the market is swinging up and down"
  2. be a social swinger; socialize a lot
  3. burn superficially or lightly; "I singed my eyebrows"
  4. change direction with a swinging motion; turn; "swing back"; "swing forward"
  5. changing location by moving back and forth
  6. characterized by a buoyant rhythm; "an easy lilting stride"; "the flute broke into a light lilting air"; "a swinging pace"; "a graceful swingy walk"; "a tripping singing measure"
  7. engage freely in promiscuous sex, often with the husband or wife of one's friends; "There were many swinging couples in the 1960's"
  8. hang freely; "the ornaments dangled from the tree"; "The light dropped from the ceiling"
  9. have a certain musical rhythm; "The music has to swing"
  10. hit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement; "The soccer player began to swing at the referee"
  11. influence decisively; "This act
  1. - The supposed influence of a father upon offspring subsequent to his own, begotten of the same mother by another father.
  1. noun - the study of the origins and genealogy of the gods
  1. verb - walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud; "Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone"
  1. verb - cause to sound with a twang; "He twanged the guitar string"
  2. pluck (strings of an instrument); "He twanged his bow"
  3. pronounce with a nasal twang
  4. sound with a twang; "the bowstring was twanging"
  5. twitch or throb with pain
  1. verb - branch out in a twiglike manner; "The lightning bolt twigged in several directions"
  2. understand, usually after some initial difficulty; "She didn't know what her classmates were plotting but finally caught on"
  1. verb - cause a stinging pain; "The needle pricked his skin"
  2. feel a sudden sharp, local pain
  3. squeeze tightly between the fingers; "He pinched her behind"; "She squeezed the bottle"