Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Imparting or improving beauty, particularly the beauty of the complexion; as, a cosmetical preparation.
- - The process by which miners seek to discover metallic lodes. It consist in sinking small pits through the superficial deposits to the solid rock, and then driving from one pit to another across the direction of the vein, in such manner as to cross all the veins between the two pits.
- - Finely ribbed or costated.
Cotter Pin
- noun - a cotter consisting of a split pin that is secured (after passing through a hole) by splitting the ends apart
- noun - chocolate that contains at least 32 percent cocoa butter
- noun - low evergreen shrub of high north temperate regions of Europe and Asia and America bearing red edible berries
- tart red berries similar to American cranberries but smaller
- unknown - Common name referring to any member of the insect family Tipulidae
- noun - any of numerous geraniums of the genus Geranium