Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Air Engine
- - An engine driven by heated or by compressed air.
- adjective - related to or concerned with alchemy
- verb - alter (elements) by alchemy
- verb - alter (elements) by alchemy
- noun - one who was versed in the practice of alchemy and who sought an elixir of life and a panacea and an alkahest and the philosopher's stone
- verb - alter (elements) by alchemy
- verb - alter (elements) by alchemy
Alice Band
- unknown - A wide hairband of coloured ribbon or other material, as in depictions of Alice in Alice in Wonderland.
Alice Blue
- unknown - Alice blue is a pale tint of azure that was favored by Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daughter of Theodore Roosevelt, which sparked a fashion sensation in the United States.
Alice Paul
- noun - United States feminist (1885-1977)