Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - poisoning resulting from excessive intake of caffeine containing products
Caffer Cat
- noun - widely distributed wildcat of Africa and Asia Minor
- adjective - of slipper-shaped blossoms; "the calceiform lip of certain orchids"
- adjective - of slipper-shaped blossoms; "the calceiform lip of certain orchids"
Called For
- adjective - appropriate or even needed in the circumstances; "a change is in order"
- noun - a person who announces the changes of steps during a dance; "you need a fiddler and a caller for country dancing"
- unknown - A district of south London (UK)
- a species of British butterfly
- adjective - of fields or open country; "living in campestral seclusion"
Cancel Out
- verb - wipe out the effect of something; "The new tax effectively cancels out my raise"; "The `A' will cancel out the `C' on your record"
- wipe out the effect of something; "The new tax effectively cancels out my raise"; "The `A'' will cancel out the `C'' on your record"
- adjective - having a latticelike structure pierced with holes or windows
- having an open or latticed or porous structure