Crossword Quick Solve

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3442 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - United States financier who accumulated great wealth from railroad and shipping businesses (1794-1877)
  1. noun - virility drug (trade name Levitra) used to treat erectile dysfunction in men
  1. noun - characterized by variation
  1. verb - change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors
  2. having a variety of colors
  3. make something more diverse and varied; "Vary the menu"
  1. verb - change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors
  2. make something more diverse and varied; "Vary the menu"
  1. noun - a variety show with songs and comic acts etc.
  1. noun - a mere wish, unaccompanied by effort to obtain
  2. volition in its weakest form
Velvet Ant
  1. noun - a solitary wasp of the family Mutillidae; the body has a coat of brightly colored velvetly hair and the females are wingless
  2. a solitary wasp of the family Mutillidae; the body has a coat of brightly colored velvety hair and the females are wingless
  1. noun - a usually cotton fabric with a short pile imitating velvet
  1. noun - arborescent perennial shrub having palmately lobed furry leaves and showy red-purple flowers; southwestern United States
  2. tall annual herb or subshrub of tropical Asia having velvety leaves and yellow flowers and yielding a strong fiber; naturalized in southeastern Europe and United States