Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

3442 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - fit together exactly, of identical shapes; "triangles tessellate"
  2. tile with tesserae; "tessellate the kitchen floor"
  1. noun - the four-dimensional analogue of a cube
  1. noun - a game with two players who use rackets to strike a ball that is tethered to the top of a pole; the object is to wrap the string around the pole
  1. noun - perennial woodland native of North America having a red root and red sap and bearing a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring and having acrid emetic properties; rootstock used as a stimulant and expectorant
  1. noun - the final battle of the War of the Roses in 1471 in which Edward IV defeated the Lancastrians
  1. noun - the position of thane
Theme Park
  1. noun - an amusement park that is organized around some theme (as the world of tomorrow)
Theme Song
  1. noun - a melody that recurs and comes to represent a musical play or movie
  2. a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program
  1. adverb - near that place; "he stayed in London or thereabouts for several weeks"
  2. near that time or date; "come at noon or thereabouts"
  1. adverb - from that time on; "thereafter he never called again"