Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Slime Mold
- noun - a naked mass of protoplasm having characteristics of both plants and animals; sometimes classified as protoctists
Smoke Bomb
- noun - a bomb that gives off thick smoke when it explodes; used to make a smoke screen or to mark a position
Smoke Bush
- noun - any of several shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Cotinus
- any of various shrubs of the genus Conospermum with panicles of mostly white woolly flowers
Smoke Hole
- noun - a vent (as in a roof) for smoke to escape
Smoke Tree
- noun - any of several shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Cotinus
- grayish-green shrub of desert regions of southwestern United States nd Mexico having sparse foliage and terminal spikes of bluish violet flowers; locally important as source of a light-colored honey of excellent flavor
- greyish-green shrub of desert regions of southwestern United States and Mexico having sparse foliage and terminal spikes of bluish violet flowers; locally important as source of a light-colored honey of excellent flavor
- adjective - free of smoke; "smoke-free offices and restaurants"
Smoked Eel
- noun - eel cured by smoking
- noun - a small house where smoke is used to cure meat or fish