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3442 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a chemical agent that is added to a chemical mixture to counteract the effects of impurities
  2. any animal that feeds on refuse and other decaying organic matter
  3. someone who collects things that have been discarded by others
  1. verb - clean refuse from; "Scavenge a street"
  2. collect discarded or refused material; "She scavenged the garbage cans for food"
  3. feed on carrion or refuse; "hyenas scavenge"
  4. remove unwanted substances from
  1. noun - a mineral used as an ore of tungsten
  1. noun - (Yiddish) a dolt who is a habitual bungler
  1. noun - (Yiddish) an awkward and stupid person
  1. verb - pull along heavily, like a heavy load against a resistance; "Can you shlep this bag of potatoes upstairs?"; "She pulled along a large trunk"
  1. noun - (Yiddish) baloney; hot air; nonsense
  1. noun - rolled dough spread with sugar and nuts then sliced and baked in muffin tins with honey or sugar and butter in the bottom
  1. noun - United States composer and musical theorist (born in Austria) who developed atonal composition (1874-1951)
  1. noun - French philosopher and physician and organist who spent most of his life as a medical missionary in Gabon (1875-1965)