Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - The quality or state of being polyeidic.
- noun - a complex ester used for making fibers or resins or plastics or as a plasticizer
- any of a large class of synthetic fabrics
- any of numerous synthetic resins; they are light and strong and weather resistant
- verb - strike, usually with the fist; "The pedestrians pummeled the demonstrators"
- - A shaddock, esp. one of large size.
- adjective - capable of being thought about; "space flight to other galaxies becomes more cogitable"
- capable of being weighed or considered; "something ponderable from the outer world--something of which we can say that its weight is so and so"- James Jeans
- noun - common and widely distributed tall timber pine of western North America having dark green needles in bunches of 2 to 5 and thick bark with dark brown plates when mature
- unknown - Town in West Yorkshire famous for liquorice