Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A short, round iron bar or lever used in naval gunnery.
- adjective - having male and female reproductive organs in the same plant or animal
- - An acid elevator, as a tube through which acid is forced to some height in a sulphuric acid manufactory.
- unknown - A town in the south-East of France
- A type of sweet or nougat made from egg white, sugar and nuts.
- noun - a former country bordering on the Adriatic Sea; now part of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro
- noun - Italian educator who developed a method of teaching mentally handicapped children and advocated a child-centered approach (1870-1952)
- noun - Italian composer (1567-1643)
- noun - the capital and largest city of Uruguay; a cosmopolitan city and one of the busiest ports in South America
- noun - deciduous shrub of eastern North America having tough flexible branches and pliable bark and small yellow flowers
- maple of eastern North America with striped bark and large two-lobed leaves clear yellow in autumn
- noun - deciduous shrub of eastern North America having tough flexible branches and pliable bark and small yellow flowers
- maple of eastern North America with striped bark and large two-lobed leaves clear yellow in autumn