Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - To investigate or apprehend geometrical quantities or laws; to make geometrical constructions; to proceed in accordance with the principles of geometry.
- - Pertaining to the earth and moon; belonging to the joint action or mutual relations of the earth and moon; as, geoselenic phenomena.
- noun - any of numerous tropical or subtropical small shrubs or treelets or epiphytic vines of the family Gesneriaceae: African violet; Cape primroses; gloxinia
- - One of a faction in Italy, in the 12th and 13th centuries, which favored the German emperors, and opposed the Guelfs, or adherents of the poses.
- - A mineral occurring in greenish gray six-sided prisms, having a greasy luster. It is probably a pseudomorph after el
- - The state of being gifted.
- adjective - of or pertaining to or characteristic of the style of William S. Gilbert; "Gilbertian libretti"
- wildly comic and improbable as in Gilbert and Sullivan operas; "a Gilbertian world people with foundlings and changelings"- T.C.Worsley
Ginger Ale
- noun -
- ginger-flavored carbonated drink
Ginger Nut
- noun - a crisp round cookie flavored with ginger
Ginger Pop
- noun - ginger-flavored carbonated drink