Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - mint with apple-scented stems of southern and western Europe; naturalized in United States
- noun - nonsensical talk or writing
- puree of stewed apples usually sweetened and spiced
- unknown - Johnny Appleseed is a folk hero based on frontier nurseryman John Chapman, who established orchards throughout the American Midwest.
- noun - wood of any of various apple trees of the genus Malus
- verb - be fully aware of; realize fully; "Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?"
- gain in value; "The yen appreciated again!"
- hold dear; "I prize these old photographs"
- increase the value of; "The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark"
- recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
- verb - anticipate with dread or anxiety
- get the meaning of something; "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?"
- seize
- take into custody; "the police nabbed the suspected criminals"
- noun - be or work as an apprentice; "She apprenticed with the great master"
- Learner
- works for an expert to learn a trade
- - Ornamented in the style of arabesques.
- noun - an ornament that interlaces simulated foliage in an intricate design
- position in which the dancer has one leg raised behind and arms outstretched in a conventional pose