Matching Words
2841 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A removal from the usual place of residence.
- verb - give out (breath or an odor); "The chimney exhales a thick smoke"
- proceed or issue forth, as from a source; "Water emanates from this hole in the ground"
- noun - (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; "the emanation of the Holy Spirit"; "the rising of the Holy Ghost"; "the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son"
- something that is emitted or radiated (as a gas or an odor or a light, etc.)
- the act of emitting; causing to flow forth
- - Issuing forth; effluent.
- - Emanative; of the nature of an emanation.
- verb - decorate with colors;
- decorate with heraldic arms
- - One guilty of embracery.
- - An attempt to influence a court, jury, etc., corruptly, by promises, entreaties, money, entertainments, threats, or other improper inducements.
- verb - include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory; "This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds"; "this should cover everyone in the group"
- squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness; "Hug me, please"; "They embraced"; "He hugged her close to him"
- take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own; "She embraced Catholicism"; "They adopted the Jewish faith"
- the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)