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2839 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a native of ancient Troy
  1. unknown - One of The Three Musketeers.
  1. adjective - despicably cowardly; "the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on...December 7th"- F.D. Roosevelt
Déjà Vu
  1. unknown - French word commonly used in English as "Already seen" as in I feel I've already been here before.
De Gaulle
  1. noun - French general and statesman who became very popular during World War II as the leader of the Free French forces in exile (1890-1970)
De Valera
  1. noun - Irish statesman (born in the United States); as president of the Irish Free State he was responsible for the new constitution of 1937 that created the state of Eire (1882-1975)
  1. noun - someone who is no longer alive; "I wonder what the dead person would have done"
  1. verb - pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"
  1. verb - recite in elocution
  2. speak against in an impassioned manner; "he declaimed against the wasteful ways of modern society"
  1. - One who declaims; an haranguer.