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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - Florentine navigator who explored the eastern coast of North America (circa 1485-1528)
  1. adjective - able to move freely in all directions; "an owl's versatile toe can move backward and forward"; "an insect's versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally"; "a versatile anther of a flower moves freely in the wind"
  2. all rounder
  3. changeable or inconstant; "versatile moods"
  4. competent in many areas and able to turn with ease from one thing to another; "a versatile writer"
  5. having great diversity or variety; "his various achievements are impressive"; "his vast and versatile erudition"
  1. noun - Emperor of Rome and founder of the Flavian dynasty who consolidated Roman rule in Germany and Britain and reformed the army and brought prosperity to the empire; began the construction of the Colosseum (9-79)
  1. noun - a percussion instrument similar to a xylophone but having metal bars and rotating disks in the resonators that produce a vibrato sound
  1. unknown - Vigorous, lively, . 2. Exhibiting or characterized by rapid, rhythmic movement back and forth or to and fro; vibrating.
  1. - Adapted to, or used in, vibratory motion; having the power of vibrating; vibratory; as, the vibratile organs of insects.
  1. verb - be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action; "He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement"
  2. feel sudden intense sensation or emotion; "he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine"
  3. move or swing from side to side regularly; "the needle on the meter was oscillating"
  4. shake, quiver, or throb; move back and forth rapidly, usually in an uncontrolled manner
  5. sound with resonance; "The sound resonates well in this theater"
  1. noun - (physics) a regular periodic variation in value about a mean
  2. a distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively; "that place gave me bad vibrations"; "it gave me a nostalgic vibe"
  3. a shaky motion; "the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe"
  4. the act of vibrating
  1. - Vibrating; vibratory.
  1. noun - a mechanical device that vibrates; "a reed is the vibrator that produces the sound"
  2. mechanical device that produces vibratory motion; used for massage