Matching Words
7857 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - tear or be torn violently; "The curtain ripped from top to bottom"; "pull the cooked chicken into strips"
- noun - a city in western Nevada at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains; known for gambling casinos and easy divorce and remarriage
- verb - a payment or series of payments made by the lessee to an owner for use of some property, facility, equipment, or service
- an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart; "there was a rip in his pants"; "she had snags in her stockings"
- engage for service under a term of contract; "We took an apartment on a quiet street"; "Let's rent a car"; "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"
- grant use or occupation of under a term of contract; "I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners"
- hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services
- let for money; "We rented our apartment to friends while we were abroad"
- tear or be torn violently; "The curtain ripped from top to bottom"; "pull the cooked chicken into strips"
- the act of rending or ripping or splitting something; "he gave the envelope a vigorous rip"
- the return derived from cultivated land in excess of that derived from the poorest land cultivated under simil
- noun - a fabric with prominent rounded crosswise ribs
- informal abbreviation of `representative'
- noun - a fabric with prominent rounded crosswise ribs
- noun - a fabric with prominent rounded crosswise ribs
- informal abbreviation of `representative'
- noun -
- A thing in law
- a widely distributed system consisting of all the cells able to ingest bacteria or colloidal particles etc, except for certain white blood cells
- the syllable naming the second (supertonic) note of any major scale in solmization