Matching Words
7857 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Aries
- a tool for driving or forcing something by impact
- crowd or pack to capacity; "the theater was jampacked"
- force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically; "She rammed her mind into focus"; "He drives me mad"
- strike or drive against with a heavy impact; "ram the gate with a sledgehammer"; "pound on the door"
- the first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox; the sun is in this sign from about March 21 to April 19
- the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on; an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible
- uncastrated adult male sheep; "a British term is `tup'"
- undergo damage or destruction on impact; "the plane crashed into the ocean"; "The car
- verb - be affected by; be subjected to; "run a temperature"; "run a risk"
- be diffused; "These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run"
- be operating, running or functioning; "The car is still running--turn it off!"
- become undone; "the sweater unraveled"
- carry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine; "Run the dishwasher"; "run a new program on the Mac"; "the computer executed the instruction"
- carry out; "run an errand"
- cause an animal to move fast; "run the dogs"
- cause something to pass or lead somewhere; "Run the wire behind the cabinet"
- cause to emit recorded audio or video; "They ran the tapes over and over again"; "I'll play you my favorite record"; "He never tires of playing that video"
- cause to perform; "run a subject"; "run a process"
- change from one state to another; "run amok"; "run rogue"; "run riot"
- change or be different within limits; "Estimates for the lo
- noun - type genus of the Ranidae
- noun - a rocky region in the southern Transvaal in northeastern South Africa; contains rich gold deposits and coal and manganese
- the basic unit of money in South Africa; equal to 100 cents
- United States writer (born in Russia) noted for her polemical novels and political conservativism (1905-1982)
- verb - attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify; "ring birds"; "band the geese to observe their migratory patterns"
- extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"
- get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone; "I tried to call you all night"; "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"
- make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification; "Ring the bells"; "My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church"
- ring or echo with sound; "the hall resounded with laughter"
- sound loudly and sonorously; "the bells rang"
- noun - (the feminine of raja) a Hindu princess or the wife of a raja
- adjective - a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another; "the entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen"
- assign a rank or rating to; "how would you rank these students?"; "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"
- complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers; "absolute freedom"; "an absolute dimwit"; "a downright lie"; "out-and-out mayhem"; "an out-and-out lie"; "a rank outsider"; "many right-down vices"; "got the job through sheer persistence"; "sheer stupidity"
- conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible; "a crying shame"; "an egregious lie"; "flagrant violation of human rights"; "a glaring error"; "gross ineptitude"; "gross injustice"; "rank treachery"
- growing profusely; "rank jungle vegetation"
- position in a social hierarchy; "the British are more aware of social status than Americans are"
- relative status; "his salary was deter
- noun - a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
- pompous or pretentious talk or writing
- talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
- noun - a gentle blow
- a reproach for some lapse or misdeed; "he took the blame for it"; "it was a bum rap"
- genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged
- make light, repeated taps on a surface; "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently"
- perform rap music
- strike sharply; "rap him on the knuckles"
- talk volubly
- the act of hitting vigorously; "he gave the table a whack"
- the sound made by a gentle blow
- voluble conversation
- noun - destroy and strip of its possession; "The soldiers raped the beautiful country"
- Eurasian plant cultivated for its seed and as a forage crop
- force (someone) to have sex against their will;
- the act of despoiling a country in warfare
- the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will