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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adverb - according to need (physicians use PRN in writing prescriptions); "add water as needed"
  1. adjective - an argument in favor of a proposal
  2. an athlete who plays for pay
  3. in favor of (an action or proposal etc.); "a pro vote"
  4. in favor of a proposition, opinion, etc.
  1. - A prefix signifying before, in front, forth, for, in behalf of, in place of, according to; as, propose, to place before; proceed, to go before or forward; project, to throw forward; prologue, part spoken before (the main piece); propel, prognathous; provide, to look out for; pronoun, a word instead of a noun; proconsul, a person acting in place of a consul; proportion, arrangement according to parts.
  1. - A sailing canoe of the Ladrone Islands and Malay Archipelago, having its lee side flat and its weather side like that of an ordinary boat. The ends are alike. The canoe is long and narrow, and is kept from overturning by a cigar-shaped log attached to a frame extending several feet to windward. It has been called the flying proa, and is the swiftest sailing craft known.
  1. noun -
  2. a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion
  3. a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something; "the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves"
  4. to push against gently; "She nudged my elbow when she saw her friend enter the restaurant"
  5. urge on; cause to act; "The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window"
  1. noun - someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university
  1. - To wander about and beg; to seek food or other supplies by low arts; to seek for advantage by mean shift or tricks.
  1. noun - a formal ball held for a school class toward the end of the academic year
  1. noun - a propeller that rotates to push against air
  2. a support placed beneath or against something to keep it from shaking or falling
  3. any movable articles or objects used on the set of a play or movie; "before every scene he ran down his checklist of props"
  4. rugby forward
  5. support by placing against something solid or rigid; "shore and buttress an old building"
  1. noun - an argument in favor of a proposal
  2. an athlete who plays for pay