Matching Words
7857 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a ridge of sand created by the wind; found in deserts or near lakes and oceans
- noun - defecate; used of animals
- fecal matter of animals
- fertilize or dress with dung; "you must dung the land"
- noun - a basketball shot in which the basketball is propelled downward into the basket
- dip into a liquid while eating; "She dunked the piece of bread in the sauce"
- immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate; "dip the garment into the cleaning solution"; "dip the brush into the paint"
- make a dunk shot, in basketball; "He dunked the ball"
- noun - a color or pigment varying around a light grey-brown color; "she wore dun"
- cure by salting; "dun codfish"
- horse of a dull brownish grey color
- make a dun color
- persistently ask for overdue payment; "The grocer dunned his customers every day by telephone"
- treat cruelly; "The children tormented the stuttering teacher"
- noun - a musical composition for two performers
- a pair who associate with one another; "the engaged couple"; "an inseparable twosome"
- two items of the same kind
- two performers or singers who perform together
- unknown - Pairs of people or performers
- - To open; as, to dup the door.
- noun - a person who is tricked or swindled
- fool or hoax; "The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"; "You can't fool me!"
- - Major; in the major mode; as, C dur, that is, C major.