Matching Words
7857 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A suffix used to form feminine nouns; as, actress, deaconess, songstress.
- - A suffix used to form the superlative of adjectives and adverbs; as, smoothest; earl(y)iest.
- - A noun suffix with a diminutive force; as in baronet, pocket, facet, floweret, latchet.
- - A suffix signifying full of, abounding with; as, boastful, harmful, woeful.
- - A suffix signifying to make, to form into, etc.; as, acetify, amplify, dandify, Frenchify, etc.
- - A suffix used in scientific words in the sense of producing, generating: as, amphigen, amidogen, halogen.
- - A suffix signifying, in general, relating to, or characteristic of; as, historic, hygienic, telegraphic, etc.
- - A suffix used in forming the names of certain sciences, systems, etc., as acoustics, mathematics, dynamics, statistics, politics, athletics.
- - A suffix used to denote: (a) The nonmetallic, or negative, element or radical in a binary compound; as, oxide, sulphide, chloride. (b) A compound which is an anhydride; as, glycolide, phthalide. (c) Any one of a series of derivatives; as, indogenide, glucoside, etc.
- - A suffix. See the Note under -ine.