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689 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - 2. English comedian Tony Hancock. Best known for his radio and television series “Hancock’s Half Hour” on BBC from 1954 to 1961.
  2. American revolutionary patriot who was president of the Continental Congress; was the first signer of the Declaration of Independence (1737-1793)
  1. - See Hordock.
  1. unknown - A village and castle Harlech, Gwynedd in Wales, UK.
  1. - Probably a corruption either of charlock or hardock.
  1. noun - a cushion for kneeling on (as when praying in church)
  2. thick cushion used as a seat
  1. noun - a rack with hooks for temporarily holding coats and hats
  1. noun - a small cone-shaped pile of hay that has been left in the field until it is dry enough to carry to the hayrick
  1. noun - a frame attached to a wagon to increase the amount of hay it can carry
  2. a rack that holds hay for feeding livestock
  1. noun - a stack of hay
  1. noun - an evergreen tree
  2. large branching biennial herb native to Eurasia and Africa and adventive in North America having large fernlike leaves and white flowers; usually found in damp habitats; all parts extremely poisonous
  3. poisonous drug derived from an Eurasian plant of the genus Conium; "Socrates refused to flee and died by drinking hemlock"
  4. soft coarse splintery wood of a hemlock tree especially the western hemlock