Matching Words
11417 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - an amount of a product
- be fatally overwhelmed
- be flexible under stress of physical force; "This material doesn't give"
- be the cause or source of; "He gave me a lot of trouble"; "Our meeting afforded much interesting information"
- be willing to concede; "I grant you this much"
- bring in; "interest-bearing accounts"; "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"
- cause to happen or be responsible for; "His two singles gave the team the victory"
- cease opposition; stop fighting
- consent reluctantly
- end resistance, as under pressure or force; "The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram"
- give in, as to influence or pressure
- give or supply; "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family"
- give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another
- mov
- unknown - Expression of surprise
- unknown - 1. an expression of surprise, fear, or alarm
- noun - (cosmology) the original matter that (according to the big bang theory) existed before the formation of the chemical elements
- noun - a toy consisting of a spool that is reeled up and down on a string by motions of the hand
- noun - a cruel and brutal fellow
- British slang for denoting a loutish female or male.
- noun - a cruel and brutal fellow
- noun - a songlike cry in which the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal voice and falsetto
- sing by changing register; sing by yodeling; "The Austrians were yodeling in the mountains"
- noun - the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet