Matching Words
11417 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a ceremonial or emblematic staff
- a rod used by a magician or water diviner
- a thin supple twig or rod; "stems bearing slender wands of flowers"
- a thin tapered rod used by a conductor to lead an orchestra or choir
- - Long and flexible, like a wand.
- verb - become smaller; "Interest in his novels waned"
- decrease in phase; "the moon is waning"
- grow smaller; "Interest in the project waned"
- noun - a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)
- become smaller; "Interest in his novels waned"
- decrease in phase; "the moon is waning"
- grow smaller; "Interest in the project waned"
- - A sharp or uneven edge on a board that is cut from a log not perfectly squared, or that is made in the process of squaring. See Wany, a.
- noun - get sexual gratification through self-stimulation
- slang for masturbation
- adverb - in a weak or pale or languid manner; "she was smiling wanly"
- Pallidly