Matching Words
11417 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A genus including several species of large marine gastropods having massive pyriform shells, with conspicuous folds on the columella.
- adjective - resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy; "the high priest's divinatory pronouncement"; "mantic powers"; "a kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions"
- noun - a burial chamber (usually underground)
- a strongroom or compartment (often made of steel) for safekeeping of valuables
- an arched brick or stone ceiling or roof
- bound vigorously
- Crypts
- gymnastics apparatus on which both men and women perform
- jump across or leap over (an obstacle)
- the act of jumping over an obstacle
- noun - extravagant self-praise
- show off
- unknown - hindu holy book
- adjective - of or relating to the Vedas or to the ancient Sanskrit in which they were written; "the Vedic literature"
- - A Russian liquid measure, equal to 3.249 gallons of U. S. standard measure, or 2.706 imperial gallons.