Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

1614 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adverb - excessively; "a cruelly bitter winter"
  2. with cruelty; "he treated his students cruelly"
  1. noun - a cruel act; a deliberate infliction of pain and suffering
  2. feelings of extreme heartlessness
  3. the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance
  1. adjective - easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder; "friable sandstone"; "friable carcinomatous tissue"; "friable curds formed in the stomach";"crumbly cookies"
  1. unknown - adj. crisp; brittle
  1. noun - a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining
  2. a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy
  1. noun - perennial herbs of Europe and Iran; make rapidly growing groundcover for shaded areas
  1. adjective - hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; "a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws"; "a passing glance"; "perfunctory courtesy"
  1. - the life estate which a husband has in the lands of his deceased wife, which by the common law takes effect where he has had issue by her, born alive, and capable of inheriting the lands.
  1. noun - bend the knees in a gesture of respectful greeting
  2. bending the knees; a gesture of respect made by women
  1. - The state of being curved; a bending in a regular form; crookedness.