Crossword Quick Solve

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1614 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - To bring together again; to compose or form anew.
  1. adverb - in a punctual manner; "he did his homework promptly"
  2. without much difficulty; "these snakes can be identified readily"
  1. noun - all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you; "his world was shattered"; "we live in different worlds"; "for them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were"
  2. the quality possessed by something that is real
  3. the state of being actual or real; "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him"
  4. the state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to be; "businessmen have to face harsh realities"
  1. - To apply again.
  1. - To carry back.
  1. noun - a time immediately before the present
  2. the property of having happened or appeared not long ago
  1. verb -
  2. bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one; "The Church reformed me"; "reform your conduct"
  3. convert into direct current; "rectify alternating current"
  4. make right or correct;
  5. math: determine the length of; "rectify a curve"
  6. set straight or right; "remedy these deficiencies"; "rectify the inequities in salaries"; "repair an oversight"
  1. noun - an official residence provided by a church for its parson or vicar or rector
Red Bay
  1. noun - small tree of southern United States having dark red heartwood
  1. - To edify anew; to build again after destruction.