Matching Words
18691 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a padded cloth covering to keep a teapot warm
- adverb - in a cozy manner; "nestled cozily by the fire"
- unknown - George Crabbe (24 December 1754 – 3 February 1832) was an English poet, surgeon and clergyman. He is best known for his early use of the realistic narrative form and his descriptions of middle and working-class life and people. He wrote the poem "Peter
- adjective - annoyed and irritable
- noun -
- a blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts; "there was a crack in the mirror"
- a chance to do something; "he wanted a shot at the champion"
- a long narrow depression in a surface
- a long narrow opening
- a narrow opening; "he opened the window a crack"
- a purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted; highly addictive
- a sudden sharp noise; "the crack of a whip"; "he heard the cracking of the ice"; "he can hear the snap of a twig"
- a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl"
- break into simpler molecules by means of heat; "The petroleum cracked"
- break partially but keep its integrity; "The glass cracked"
- break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension; "The pipe snapped"
- cause to become cracked; "heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair"
- gain unauthorized access computers wit
- noun - an industrial city in southern Poland on the Vistula
- noun - a baby bed with sides and rockers
- a trough that can be rocked back and forth; used by gold miners to shake auriferous earth in water in order to separate the gold
- birth of a person; "he was taught from the cradle never to cry"
- bring up from infancy
- cut grain with a cradle scythe
- hold gently and carefully; "He cradles the child in his arms"
- hold or place in or as if in a cradle; "He cradled the infant in his arms"
- run with the stick
- wash in a cradle; "cradle gold"
- where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence; "the birthplace of civilization"
- noun - a vehicle designed for navigation in or on water or air or through outer space
- make by hand and with much skill; "The artisan crafted a complicated tool"
- people who perform a particular kind of skilled work; "he represented the craft of brewers"; "as they say in the trade"
- shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception
- skill in an occupation or trade
- the skilled practice of a practical occupation; "he learned his trade as an apprentice"