Matching Words
18691 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a native or inhabitant of Sind
- the Indic language of Sind which is spoken also in western India
- noun - a cord or band of inelastic tissue connecting a muscle with its bony attachment
- possessing muscular strength
- adjective -
- (of meat) full of sinews; especially impossible to chew
- consisting of tendons or resembling a tendon
- adjective - characterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to be a sin; "iniquitous deeds"; "he said it was sinful to wear lipstick"; "ungodly acts"
- far more than usual or expected; "an extraordinary desire for approval"; "it was an over-the-top experience"
- having committed unrighteous acts; "a sinful person"
- noun - a city of central China; capital of ancient Chinese empire 221-206 BC
- unknown - lightly burned especially hair or feathers
- noun - a person who sings
- United States inventor of an improved chain-stitch sewing machine (1811-1875)
- United States writer (born in Poland) of Yiddish stories and novels (1904-1991)
- noun - a surface burn
- become superficially burned; "my eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames"
- burn superficially or lightly; "I singed my eyebrows"
- adjective - a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first base
- being or characteristic of a single thing or person; "individual drops of rain"; "please mark the individual pages"; "they went their individual ways"
- characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing; "an individual serving"; "single occupancy"; "a single bed"
- existing alone or consisting of one entity or part or aspect or individual; "upon the hill stood a single tower"; "had but a single thought which was to escape"; "a single survivor"; "a single serving"; "a single lens"; "a single thickness"
- having uniform application; "a single legal code for all"
- hit a single; "the batter singled to left field"
- not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective; "judging a contest with a single eye"; "a single devotion to duty"; "undivided affection"; "gained their exclusive attention"
- not married or related to the unmarried state; "unmarri